Why Natural Soaps?

In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

Hey, this is a new project that we are enjoying now as a family which we started few months ago, “Soapmaking” Alhamdulillah.

As we all know, in our daily lives, most of us are somewhat divorced from the rhythms of the natural world. (Which is a great and wonderful gift from Allah). As Muslims cleanliness being a part of faith, it is an utmost important matter to be vigilant of the products what we are using to cleanse ourselves.

Even if we set aside the chemical substances, in most soap products lard is used as fat, which is haram, some use tallow (beef or mutton fat) from non halal sources (ex. Without halal slaughtering). The main ingredients in many mass produced bar soaps are substances known as "sodium tallowate" and "potassium tallowate." These are the fatty remains of slaughtered cows, sheep, and horses. Brains, fatty tissues, and other unwanted parts of dead and sometimes diseased animals are collected into large vats and used to create "tallow." This tallow is shipped off to commercial soap makers where it is processed into bar soaps.

Modern living which is a toxic chemical bombardment. We are exposed to more toxins, they are more concentrated toxins, and we now get more frequent exposure to more toxic chemicals than even before in history, and worse, at a much higher concentration and at a faster rate than our body can process.

Many of us don’t think of our skin as an elimination organ covering approximately 20 square feet on the outside surface of the human body, it is the largest human organ and the first line of defense against harmful substances, infection, and dehydration. In adults, the skin is between 15 and 20 percent of total body weight because of its large surface area, the skin can soak in many types of toxins and petrochemicals. Your skin (if it is clean & healthy) can eliminate up to 10 pounds of liquids, gasses and even solids in one day. For many reasons, from the harsh soaps and detergents we use, to the lotions and potions we apply to our skin, our skin gets clogged and suffocated, and therefore cannot do its job as an elimination organ.

As parents, we have the responsibility to show children how intimately their personal health is connected to their surroundings. Natural soaps are biodegradable, environmentally friendly. You can rest easy knowing that what goes down the drain won’t pollute our sweet mother earth.

Finally, after coming across these information, we loved using our homemade soaps, as we clearly know what we are using.

Some of our family members and friends showed interest in purchasing our natural stuff. So, this motivated us to create this blog.
Further reading:

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